The Food processing major ,Minchy’s, is a household name and the pioneers of food processing in Himachal Pradesh. Minchy’s is growing to be one of the leading food processing industries in the country as well as globally. Several companies outsource Minchy’s products to other parts of the country. There is nothing like a path finder’s words to get us revved and so, we met the CEO Girish Minocha, a very intelligent ,business oriented person, and with in-depth knowledge of his unique profession leading the fore.
Minchy’s participated in the World Food India 2017, Delhi, which was hosted by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries and The CII, the three day extravaganza hosted in Vigya Bhavan New Delhi and Minocha himself was a part of it. “ India is the second largest producer of farm produce in the world and the third largest economy in the terms of purchasing power parity. Of all the states, Himachal emerges as one of the most rapidly transformed state due to its self-sufficiency. Its horticulture is highly impressive in the country and even abroad. With four agro-climatic conditions favouring cultivation of a multitude of fruits and vegetables throughout the year” said Minocha . Himachal food processing industry is thriving all thanks to the pioneer Minchy’s.
Minchy’s recently signed an MOU with the Ministry of food processing industries, Government of India, to invest 10 crores over a span of three years for expansion and modernisation of the existing facilities For producing high yielding produce and exotic range of products. “ That would create more jobs for the youth, women and unemployed too and I started my company with Rs 10000, twenty years ago” said the ever benevolent Minocha
The company has been invited by the Government of Chhattisgarh for similar kind of food processing facilities to be established ,making use of the local horticulture surplus. Unexplored and unexploited land of plenty Chhattisgarh presents the perfect opportunity for Minchy’s to spread its growth to the mainstream .Minchy’s will have direct access to the local markets specially from the unchartered tribal region with the purest form of products .Organic produce with modern technology, qualified man power, Minchy’s is on the verge of path breaking venture and establish Himachal Pradesh as the leading food processing state to the nation and represent the country globally..
Having completed his degree in Electrical Engineering with flying colours, he was immediately absorbed by a switchgear company as a marketing engineer with the beginner’s humble pay. Sealed the entire amount of his first pay in an envelope for to his grandfather in Shimla. Just a few months into his job, His bike refused to cough up one wintry Delhi morning. Reached the office late by a whisker. The boss was by the door wanting to know what time it was, rather sharply.
“Time for me to quit” Girish replied calmly, handed over the company brief case to the boss and walked out. The bravado shown at the office crumbled as he travelled back home to Shimla. Then the first show down began at home with his grandparents and parents utterly disappointed, yet hopeful and encouraging. A tidy sum saved from his scholarship and photography. He bought a piece of land in Shoghi with his family’s support and decided to start his venture with electrical goods, being an electrical engineer himself. It failed to take off beyond just a concept. Contemplated on flour mill, too. Then he met a well-wisher and a school buddy who suggested, why not food processing. Showed him the clipping of a newspaper which read about the then chief ministers’ message to the people encouraging for home grown products. That clipping sparked the idea which gradually took shape of his dream of living his dream. He grew his wings to carry his dream, the year was 1993 and it was not an easy ride.
I sought his permission wanting to write a word or two about Mrs Minocha and the reply I got was, “not mention, I want you to write about her, she toiled alongside me. Today we are at this position because she believed and encouraged me”. Girish owes his success to his grandparents and parents who never stopped believing in him.
Sonia Minocha is in charge for all quality checks and assurances right from the production stage. The force behind the pickled jars, a senior teacher of the Art of Living and a philanthropist. They got married during the early days of the Company’s inception and has been steadfast through thick and thin.
He has done it all, distributing produce, shop to shop, trundling in his beaten jeep then collecting empty jars and bottles, bookkeeping and accounting too. First two years didn’t make much head way. “I just wanted to quit then, sell off everything and just go, anywhere, lead a stress free life”.1996 he secured his foothold, then 2003 he built his second factory,2005 he graduated to wines and established a winery to produce non-grapes wines.2013 the automatic plant on Sadhu Pull was established a state of art venture. “My grandfather once told me, “produce only that which you can feed to your own children ”.
Minchy’s ‘Himachal’s Pride’ brings the pure Himalayan offerings into our homes and we give our relatives, friends with the best Himachal has to offer. Unique products of Sea buckthorn berries, Rhododendron flowers, favourite of the Gods for its healing and rejuvenating powers, pickles, jams, preserves and juices from the best choicest of fruits.
‘Wonder Wyne ‘is creating quite a ripple as the pioneers in the field of fruit based wines. Minocha speaks of tremendous potential in the domestic market.
With the second plant coming up soon, in no time ‘Wonder Wyne’ will be one of the Indian wines to be found overseas. Apricot, strawberry, peach and plum to name a few with the distinct flavour taste and aroma of the fruit being used. Naturopathic oil of wild apricot kernel is a house hold name now.
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At his prime with boundless energy, zeal and enthusiasm Girish has positive energy emanating to bring a smile even to a sad soul. He is a Member of the Apex body of Art and living, a consultant for various Self Help Groups to uplift the living standard of the people.
Minocha Industries employs inmates from the local jails with the support of Director General of Police This is part of their rehabilitation program. The inmates are trained to become useful contributing citizen of the society and to prepare them for the challenges outside after completing their term. With the MOU with the government to expand, he hopes to create more jobs for the locals.
“Ten years from now I see Minocha Industries as a corporate entity, complete with public issues and a Global presence in terms of brand equity. A household brand in India”. With the foray of his son Surya Uday Minocha to the main stream, He looks forward for fresh ideas to explore.
An avid golfer, loves to travel, ride his thunderbird to the remotest of villages and interact with the locals. A giver by nature, he holds the pulse at the grass root level to feel the need. An artiste of excellent repute on stage. It is a treat to see him perform.
He looks forward for road trips to the “Back of Beyond” after handing over the active reins to his children which we hope doesn’t happen in the next twenty years or beyond.