BJP rebel and independent MLA Ashish Sharma announced his support for Sukhu led Congress government. Sharma who fought Assembly Election as BJP rebel as an independent and defeated official candidates of both BJP and Congress in the recently concluded Vidhan Sabha elections today announced this decision.
He met Sukhu at Shimla today and announced his support to the Chief Minister for the development of the area. He said that the development of the area was paramount and that is why he took this decision.
When asked by reporters, Sharma said that he would take all such decisions that would be beneficial for the people of the Hamirpur district in general and the Hamirpur area in particular. He said that he would extend his full support to Sukhu Bhai Ji (Brother Sukhoo Ji) for the welfare of the people.
Responding to another question about whether he would contest the next Lok Sabha election on a Congress party ticket, he said that the 2024 is yet far off.
Notably, Sharma was first supposed to be given a ticket by the Congress party but later on the ticket was changed in favour of Dr Pushpinder Verma and he had to contest the election as independent, wherein, he won with a massive mandate.