Due to display of extreme carelessness and in dearth of implementation of official procedures the state exchequer had to suffer a loss of Rs two and half laks approximately. An incidence which came to light from Nahan, displayed that the education department of the district is being run more with complacent approach than in lines with state rules and regulations. Sources claim that in the last 5 years whatever funds came to the department through schools in form of demand draft/cheques never got deposited in the bank. It was found that a cashier of the department performed his job freewheeling for years together, which caused the state this financial loss. This cashier who along with rest, was also responsible for depositing donation demand drafts/cheques coming from district schools in the bank account, did not do so. Instead the state employee kept these demand drafts/cheques in his closet at office, which was discovered after his shifting from the position in October this year, claimed sources.
The cashier in question claimed that this happened because of over load by work on his shoulders. He said he had been given responsibility of 3 seats due to staff shortage which caused a lot of stress thus resulting in this carelessness. Education department, deputy director of the district Sudhakar Sharma agreed that complacency took place. Putting the entire blame of the act on the cashier’s shoulders he said that the issue would be taken up firmly so that nothing like this happens again.
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As per the new RBI guidelines validity of cheques/demand draft is 90 days. However sources inform that the cheques/drafts which are now sent back to the concerned schools for re validation through issuers were as old as of year 2013, (photo).

Not only that the issuers would feel the pain of knowing that how there their donations are treated by the state machinery. But again, there would be expenses incurred in getting these demand drafts/cheques, re-issued through different senders thus adding to the loss. Moreover there would also be a possibility of some payments not getting realized now, as these donators might have spent that budget on other heads..
Though the amount in question is barely significant yet the incidence points at the functioning of state government departments. Even this incidence would have been covered up, but HimachalScape reporter made the breakthrough in time. Sources say that after finding of this irregularity in October last year, the department had quietly sent all demand drafts/ cheques to the concerned schools for re validation, without initiating an inquiry or fixing anybody’s responsibility in the matter.
On the onset when one evaluates the governmental setup runs in a fool proof manner. When a letter/correspondence is received it is entered in the diary of the department and then the section concerned deals it. Audits are also conducted on annual basis by officers and agencies. Not to forget the chain i.e office assistant- section officer or in this case head cashier- senior officers – Head of the Department. Yet so many cheques/demand drafts went un noticed sounds like a mimicry.
When contacted Director Higher Education stated that the matter is not in his notice yet. He said in case the matter is brought to his jurisdiction strict action would be initiated against the accused(s). Yet this freewheeling act clearly signifies that such incidences take place due to ignorance of state authorities/employees in practicing laid procedures both in letter and spirit.