Shimla, Feb 28
Some college Principals of Himachal Pradesh are approving registration of students who are not studying in their Institutions. Himachal Pradesh University Shimla Controller of examinations said in a communication issued to all principals of Govt. Degree and Affiliated Colleges in the state.
HPU directed Colleges to ensure proper approval of registration of students. In a letter issued to all Principals of colleges on February 27, Controller of examinations stated that registration of the students are not being approved by some of the principals or colleges failing which students are facing hardships and a lot of inconvenience and making queries directly with the Registration and Migration section.
It is also pertinent to mention here that until or unless registration of the students is not approved by the concerned college, the Registration, Migration and Evaluation section of HPU is unable to process further. Besides this some of the colleges have approved registration of the students who do not belong to their college, this creates ambiguity and slows down the pace of official work.
COE said that all the principals of colleges of state have to ensure that registration of all the students of their respective colleges must be approved after ensuring criterion or norms related to admissions registration, if any lapse and flaws found at any stage with respect to ignorance oversight of rules and regulation pertaining to admissions and registration, the university should not be held responsible for that. Apart from above, it might also be ensured that registration of their own college students be approved only, after ensuring their college record, no registration of student be approved who belong to other college, they added.