Talking about expected #relaxations to be given after April 20, Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur stated that currently only limited sectors are to be relaxed in limited ways.
“However we will review the situation in 7-10 days,” he added. On speculations that state government offices might start re-function Thakur stated that calling upon 30% staggered staff in government offices also would make the lock-down useless. Further explaining he said that currently six districts i.e half the state has witnessed #COVID-19 positive cases. Sometimes a small mistake could lead the infection to spread further,” he added. Moreover these additional days would help us analyze the situation better and will help us being more prepared.
He further informed that during the lock-down period the state exchequer has under gone financial loss close to 90%, he informed. He said the world is fighting through a danger and likewise is the hill state, therefore every one must come together. He also thanked the citizens of the state for their support.
Other details to follow. Keep tuned