Shimla, Dec 22
The process for Shimla MC seems to be beginning with announcement of summary revision of voter list of the left out five wards here today. The State Election commission ordered to conduct summary revision of voter list in Shimla Municipal Corporation wards of Summerhill, Biolueuganj, Tutikandi, Phagli and Nabha on Thursday.
State Election Commission instructed the Deputy Divisional Magistrate (Civil) Urban and Rural of District Shimla to resume the process of preparing voter lists of five wards of Summerhill, Biolueganj, Tutikandi, Nabha and Fagli, as a notification in the matter has been issued.
It is noteworthy that out of 41 wards of Shimla Municipal Corporation, voter list of 36 wards has already been prepared. While the process of preparing voter list of these five wards was stopped on 13.07.2022 as per the order of the Himachal Pradesh high court.
Apart from this, the commission has urged the government that no officer and employee appointed in the process of voter list should be transferred without the prior permission of the commission.
Residents of these five wards are informed to check the entry of their names in the draft voter lists and if necessary file claims and objections before the revision authority under new schedule. Publication of 41 wards to be published by Jan 31, 2023. The draft voter list will also be available on the website of the State Election Commission
The tenure of last SMC house had expired in June, 2022 but election notification could not be intiated by SEC due to a pending litigation. Though it pertinent to mention that there was no stay on holding polls in the remaining 36 wards.