Principal Secretary, Excise and Taxation Sanjay Kundu said that despite lockdown and recession in economy due to COVID-19 pandemic in the State, left out retail liquor vends of Shimla, Nurpur, Kangra and Sirmaur zones have been sold for Rs. 35.52 crore today.
Kundu said that against a total retail liquor vend business of Rs. 1190 crore, the Excise and Taxation Department have been able to sell the business at a price of Rs. 1180 crore in the State. He said that except today’s auctions, rest of the business has been sold at full value. He said that the liquor vends have been sold for the first time without negotiation on renewal tender cum auction basis.  He said that last year the retail liquor business were valued at Rs. 1085 crore and after negotiation the price went down to Rs. 126 crore and net business was Rs. 959 crore.  He said that against Rs. 959 crore last year, this year the business has been sold for Rs. 1180 crore.
Principal Secretary said that the liquor vends of Shimla zone have been sold at Rs. 2.30 crore, of Nurpur for Rs. 6.03 crore, of Kangra for Rs. 4.80 crore and of Sirmaur for Rs. 22.39 crore. Â
Kundu said that the due to concerted and pragmatic efforts made by the Government under the able leadership of Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur, the Excise and Taxation Department has succeeded in selling all the retail liquor vends in the State.