June 11, 2020 at 2110 hours
In sync with orders by the Center government, District magistrate Shimla today ordered opening of hotels and restaurant in Shimla district.
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However hoteliers in the city state that they do not intend to start, yet. Neeraj Gupta a local hotelier informed ” Adherence to the COVID-19 SOPs for opening hotels will take some time, therefore re-opening immediately might not be possible.https://himscape.dxpsites.net/hp-guidelines-for-hotels-restaurants-during-pandemic-read-below/
” He said that since tourist is not allowed in the state, opening hotel would also not be fruitful. Explaining that clients for within state tourism and for work contribute only 15-20% of the total business, therefore it shall not be viable to resume operations now. Adding he stated that, there is a bleak possibility that hotels/ guest houses around hospitals and such places might resume operations, others will definitely not resume, he affirmed.
” Keeping in view the opinion by medical experts, we have decided to open tourism units only after August, in larger interest of general public, stated Mohinder Seth of Tourism stakeholders association. He stated that as per medical experts virus is going to peak in July-August, therefore the industry has decided to resume operations thereafter, he added.
“If Police HQ could not be protected, how can one expect that the untrained staff of hotels shall be able to do so, is a point to be apprehended stated anothee B&B owner Nitin Chauhan.
However more than 50% restaurants and Dhabas are being speculated to open.
As per order of the DM, hotels in district Shimla are allowed to open for use for guests for non tourism purpose such as housing of persons visiting the state for official and business purposes only, reads the order. Also local residents of state can stay in hotels. However tourist from other states shall not be welcomed, stated the order.
Even restaurants/dhabas will be allowed to operate at 60%capacity and as per SOPs defined by department of tourism and civil aviation.
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