Shimla, Mar 18
Jai Ram Thakur led Government has raised a total loan of Rs 10,338 crore in the last three years. This information was given by the chief minister Jai Ram Thakur in reply to question by Kinnaur member of Assembly Jagat Singh Negi in a written reply during the question hours.
The government took a gross amount of Rs 18,916 Cr as loan from various agencies during the last three years, while also repaying loans worth Rs 8,578 Cr, thus leading to a net loan of Rs 10,338 Cr during this period, said the reply.Â
Besides the loan, debt liabilities of Rs 2,206 Cr also piled up during this period on account of small savings, provident fund etc in the public account, it said.
The reply further said that the total debt liability of the state is currently Rs 60,500 crore. The state government received nearly Rs 24,000cr from the central government under different schemes and heads during the last one year, it said.
State Government also informed in another query on Thursday that 540 new industrial projects have been set up in state since Dec 2019, creating employment avenues to over 2,800 youth.
During last 3 yrs state earned levies of tune to  Rs 2,832 Cr as VAT on the sale of petrol and diesel.
In the period of Jan 2020 to Jan 2021 samples of as many as 25 firms of pharmaceutical products failed quality testing in the state.
In last 3 yrs state registered more than one thousand cases of rape.
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