Shimla, Apr 7
The semi final before run up to Vidhan Sabha polls next year seems to be ending as a draw between both main political parties winning 2 each.
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Where opposition congress seems to have taken Solan and Palampur, ruling BJP has lead Dharamshala and Mandi
The Congress established lead over BJP after winning eight wards in Solan newly constituted Nagar Nigam Election as two results is yet to declare BJP won on six seat and Independent one .
In ward No 2,3′ 5, 6 & 13 BJP candidate declared elected and in ward no 4,7 ,8 & 10,11, 12 14 & 15 Congress candidate declared elected .
Results of two wards in Solan is yet to be announced.
Out of 17 wards of Dharmshala MC , BJP got eight wards , Congress five and independent four. Ruling BJP in the civic body likely to retain the power depending on one independent.
In Palmpur MC Congress party got complete majority after winning eleven wards wher as BJP and Independent retain two each.
In Mandi MC ruling party won eight wards Cong five and three Independent.
There are 17 each MC wards in Dharmshala and Solan and 15 each in Palampur and Mandi.
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