Shimla, Dec 31
Himachal Pradesh police last night arrested, Brijesh Chauhan Officiating Principal of Post GDC Seema (Rohru) College on complaint of a student for outraging her modesty, confirmed a Divisional police officer confirmed here.
Deputy Superintendent of Police Chaman Thakur said that another girl has filed a complaint of outraging her modesty by this officiating principal yesterday. A case under section354(1) has been lodged in the matter.
The Officiating principal was also booked on Dec 25 and 28 on the compliant of minor under sexual harassment and stalking of college student and two students for eve teasing and passing of message to them.
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After registration of First FIR accused was granted anticipatory bail by the High court of Himachal Pradesh on Dec 27 till next Monday on Jan 3, 2022. He was interrogated by police yesterday and arrested immediately on the complaint lodged by another girl on Dec 30 under section 354-A (Sexual harassment. He is now booked in three cases and arrested on basis of third complaint again, DSP informed over phone.
On Dec 27, after the verification of birth certificate of first complainant police added section 11 & 12 of POSCO Act in the FIR registered on Dec 25. ”Before police could arrest him on the complaint of a BA 1st year student he managed to get anticipatory bail on December 27 . ” informed the DSP.
Earlier on Dec 25 FIR was registered under Sec 354 A by a student of BA -1 yr who went to his office in college to fill a scholarship form but he advised her to call him. When she called him after some time he talked in a very immodest, vulgar and unwanted way and used a very obscene and objectionable language. In the complaint it is also said that he also made objectionable remarks about the character of female teachers. The girl student recorded the whole conversion and sent it to the women empowerment cell of the college. After the preliminary enquiry, this cell took a decision to lodge an FIR.
State Government on Dec 29 placed the accused under suspension directing him to be fixed under Council of Education Research and Training (SCERT) Solan and should not leave the headquarter without prior permission of the undersigned.