Shimla, March 6
Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur present budget estimates of tunes to Rs 50,192 Cr for financial year 2021-22 proposing no new tax.
Chief minister Jai Ram Thakur who holds the portfolio of finance said this for year 2021-22 budget estimates in the Assembly presented total outlay of Rs 50, 191.63 Cr.
During the year total revenue receipt estimated Rs 37027.94Cr and capital receipt Rs 13, 121.57 Cr. Rs 41.06 Crore would be received on account of recoveries through loan, public debt of Rs 11730.51 Cr , Rs 1350 Cr from deposit, advance, remittance and provident fund etc.This year total receipt of Rs 50,191.63 Cr. respectively.
On the expenditure side revenue expenditure Rs. will 38490.33 Cr and expenditure on capital sides would be Rs 6013.67 Cr. Expenditure on the repayment of loan and inter state settlement of public debt(repayment) Rs 353.87 Cr. and Rs ,5333.51 Cr respectively. Total expenditure would be Rs 50, 191.63 Cr.
State revenue deficit is expected too Rs 1462.94 Cr and fiscal deficit tunes to Rs Rs 7789.12 Cr. which is 4.52 percent of the Gross State Domestic Product. He said that accumulated debt of the state increased to Rs 65000 Cr.
12 new scheme or programmes would be launched inthe state.
Thakur said it focus on This budget is on
Women welfare and empowerment, Expansion of social security net, Strengthening and expansion of health services, Increasing income of farmers, Swaran Jayanti Aashray Yojana, Employment creatio, Infrastructure and industrial development and Quality education.
Chief minister Jai Ram Thakur addressing media person after budget speech said that it was made development oriented despite facing Covid pandemic and declining of Ecnomic growth impacted by the Covid pandemic
He said that state Economy is on recovery mode as V shaped growth is registered in the state. He said 12000 new house would be built under CM housing scheme.
Budget of Rs. 1,016 Crore for construction of Mandi Airport and expansion of Shimla, Kullu and Dharamsala Airports
Under Mukhyamantri Nari Swalambhan yojna Rs 35 Cr would be made in the state budget. He said that Rs 21000 one time grant would be provided for Sugan yojana for wedding
63 Mandis are presently operational to assist farmers and producers in selling their produce in the market.
The work on 3 new Mandis – Mehndali and Shilaroo (Shimla), Bandrol (Kullu) and expansion and up-gradation of 20 existing
Mandis would be completed in 2021-22. For this purpose, Rs.200 crore would be spent.
Apart from the existing 19 Mandis, 10 additional Mandis will be linked to ‘E-NAM System.
Assistance to international level fairs will be
enhanced from present Rs.3 lakhs to Rs.5 lakhs, to national level fairs from present Rs.2 lakh to Rs.3 lakh and to state level fairs from present Rs.1 lakh to Rs.1.5 lakh.
Government set up target of filling up
30,000 functional posts in 2021-22.
Government would fill 4,000 (four thousand) posts of different categories in Health Department, 4,000 posts of different category teachers in Education Department; 8,000 posts of Multi Task Part Time Workers in Education Department; 5,000 posts of Multi Task Part Time Workers in PWD and 5,000 posts of Para Fitters, Pump Operators & Multi Task Part Time Workers in Jal Shakti Department.
In addition to this, functional posts of Police Personnel, Technical Posts in State Electricity Board, Drivers & Conductors in HRTC, Junior Engineers, Assistant Engineers,
Officials in Revenue Department, Doctors & Officials in Animal Husbandry, staff for Urban Local Bodies, Technical Assistants and gram Rojgar Sahayaks in Panchayats, JOA
(IT), Teachers & Instructors in Technical Education Department and class-IV employees, etc. will also be filled up.
The total budget of the State for 2021-22 is Rs. 50,192 crore. During 2021-22, total revenue receipts are estimated at Rs. 37,028 crore whereas, total revenue.
Budget spent break-up per Rs 100
Thakur explains that out of every hundred rupees to be spent by the state government in 2021-22, Rs 25.31 will be spent on salaries, Rs 14.11 on pension, Rs 10 on interest payment, Rs 6.64 on loan repayment and Rs 43.94 will be spent on developmen works and other activities.