Enroute his visit to Shimla, Congress Leader Rahul Gandhi plants paddy with Sonipat farmers
Sonipat/ Shimla, July 8
In a surprise visit, veteran Congress leader Rahul Gandhi made his way to the fields of several villages in the Gohana sub-division of Sonipat while en route to Shimla from Delhi. Gandhi actively participated in the farming activities, planting paddy alongside the local farmers in Madina and Baroda villages. While engaging in the activities of the farmers Gandhi held insightful discussions. Pople on the spot stated that he sought to understand the challenges faced by the agricultural community and explore potential solutions.
Reports arriving here state that early morning at around 7 am, the former National President of Congress, Rahul Gandhi, unexpectedly arrived among the farmers in these villages. After spending time working and conversing with the farming community, he bid farewell and continued his journey to Shimla. The villagers were thrilled and delighted to witness Gandhi actively involving himself in their daily activities, demonstrating his commitment to understanding their struggles first hand.
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This visit follows an earlier instance during which Rahul Gandhi was seen hitching a ride in a truck during his previous trip to the hill capital. Recently he was also seen at a motorbike mechanic, shop in Karol Bagh of Delhi. These gestures signify his efforts to establish a stronger connection with the rural populace and gain a deeper understanding of their concerns and aspirations.

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