Shimla, April 22
As per a report by the state government, there are around 1,520 number of beds available for COVID patients’ in the state, in government run facilities and currently (till April 21) around 635 beds (41.8 percent) are occupied. Though overall situation seems to be under control, yet in the worst hit Kangra and Shimla areas, the situation is grim where more than 80 percent beds are already occupied.
More so, as the active cases in the state have mounted to 10,763, the pressure of indoor COVID-19 in hospitals may increase, if the number of active patients grow up.
A deeper dive into the government report also suggests that the situation could soon get grim in four health facilities of the state, where bed occupancy has already crossed the 80 percent mark.
Currently, the worst hit districts of the state are Kangra, Solan and Shimla where the numbers of active cases are mounting to four digits. Kangra currently has 2,382 active cases followed by Solan 2,103 and then Shimla with 1,179 cases.
The report states that Zonal hospital Dharamshala which has 130 beds capacity for Corona patients has around 117 (90 percent) occupied. Similarly, in IGMC hospital of Shimla has 147 beds of which 132 (89.8 percent) are occupied. The border district Community Health Center, Haroli in Una district has bed capacity of 40, wherein close to 95 percent i.e. 38 beds are occupied. Similarly in Sirmour district at CH, Sarahan of 32 beds available, 26 are occupied.

Let us peep into other bigger institutions at Dr RPC Medical College, Tanda in Kangra, where of 108 beds around 71.3 percent i.e 77 beds are occupied. At the capital Shimla, another big DDU hospital of total 90 beds 40 are occupied.
However, at Solan which has the second highest number of active cases, the condition of beds occupied seems under control. In the district at MMMCH, Kumarhatti out of 40 beds available, 26 are occupied. At ESI Model hospital of the district out of total 46 beds 21 are occupied. At Nalagarh’s makeshift COVID-19 hospital currently of total 45 available beds, none are occupied.
In CH, Rohru with 90 bed capacity, 10 are occupied. In Mandi district, Nerchowk’s hospital has no indoor patient where 118 beds are available. At CHC, Ratti in the district, 16 beds are occupied, of the total capacity of 25. At the BBMB facility there are 40 beds and 23 are occupied.
It seems that people are more dependent on home-quarantine than government facilities available.