Profit After Tax Jumps 21% to around Rs. 1652 Crore
SJVN Limited registered its highest ever annual cumulative generation in FY 2019-20 and recorded a Profit After Tax of Rs. 1651.89 crore, an increase of 21% over 2018-19 (Rs. 1364.29 crore). SJVN in its Board Meeting declared the financial results for the FY 2019-20 today.
The Board of Directors approved the Audited Financial Results for the FY 2019-20 and recommended a final dividend of Rs 0.50 per share, which is in addition to the Rs 1.70 interim dividend per share declared in March 2020. The total dividend pay-out to the shareholder’s will be Rs. 864.56 crores (@ Rs. 2.20 per share) compared to Rs.844.91 crores paid last year.
While the company’s Revenue recorded an increase of 6.1% from Rs.2908.99 crore to Rs. 3089.15 crore, the Profit Before Tax (PBT) grew 9.3% from Rs. 1792.54 crore to Rs. 1959.36 crore. Resultant, the company’s EPS during the year has jumped from Rs. 3.47 to Rs 4.20 an increase of 21%, which is good news to all the shareholders.
During the FY 2019-20 Power Stations of SJVN achieved highest ever cumulative generation of 9678 Million Units as compared to 8435 Million Units achieved during FY 2018-19 an increase of 14.7%.
Nand Lal Sharma, Chairman & Managing Director said that a company which started with a single hydro project in the year 1988, today has portfolio of 7489.2 MW, out of which 2015.2 MW is under operation, 2880 MW is under construction, 482 MW is under pre-construction & investment approval and 2112 MW is under survey & investigation stage.
Sharma informed that Hydro Power is core competence of Team SJVN. Adding that SJVN is implementing Eight (8) Hydro Projects in Himachal Pradesh. The total capacity of these projects is 2388 MW and the development of these projects involves investment of around Rs. 24,000 crores. He further said that SJVN is pursuing Power Projects in India and in neighboring countries and is also in talks with Government of Nepal and Government of Arunachal Pradesh to tap hydro potential in their territories.
While reiterating his belief in Team SJVN, Sharma said that SJVN is vigorously marching forward for achieving installed capacity of 5000 MW by 2023, 12000 MW by 2030 and 25000 MW by year 2040.
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