Shimla, Apr 16
Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur today claimed that state could not allow people entering from high loaded Covid virus areas without RT-PCT testing report moreover
the advisory has been issued by the government to check the spreading of Covid cases in the state.
Those who wants to enter in the state from such highly infested place of Covid pandemic should themselves understand the compulsion of state Government to issue this advisory and they should also help the government to check the outbreak, he added.
He moreover said that number of cases are pouring in large number in the state and Government is bound to take such hard decisions to contain the outbreak in the state as public health is major concern which could not be undermined.
The high level meeting of state officials have been convened at state secretariat today to review the sharp rise in the cases and few more stringent steps are likely to be demand of hours , Thakur told media persons here today.
Meanwhile, Himachal Pradesh University today withdrew its date sheet notification of Bachelor of Arts, B.Sc, B.Com(pass and honours), Shastri examination from 1st to 3rd year , Bachelor of Vocational courses, 1st, 3rd and 5th Semester issued on Apr 6 and 9 this month as well date sheet of notification of Bachelor of Hotel Management 1st, 3rd and 5th Sem. examination issued on Apr 5, Bachelor of Technology, 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th Sem date sheet notification issued on Mar 30, Bachelor of Dental Science 1st, 2nd, 3rd and final
date sheet notification of supplementary examination issued on Apr 5.
Spokesman of HPU said that notification was withdrawn after direction of state Govt
in view of Covid-19 situation . University would issued new date sheets of all these classes which should be made available on the University website.